Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who says actions speak louder than words?

President Obama, who is unfortunately NOT our nation's first Bi-Facial President, talks the talk. He is incredibly intelligent, and adept at convincing people that he is going to do the right thing. I think everyone can agree that he has a gift for connecting with an audience, and saying what people want to hear. The scary thing is that the American People seem to believe whatever he says, even when it directly contradicts what he said a moment before, or what he is doing. He gives addresses to the Nation in which he espouses a firm belief in fiscal responsibility, while supporting every big fat piece of pork that comes his way. His budget is a larded up mess, and the new Omnibus bill is a joke. (and not a very funny one, by the way)
Throughout the campaign, and even now that he has been elected, I have noticed something interesting. When a liberal pundit, or members of Obama's campaign, or his administration, are questioned about something Obama has done, they answer the questioning about his ACTIONS with an answer about his WORDS. Instead of refuting the accusation, which can't be done, they answer with "Well, Obama says..." Wow, have another drink of the Kool-aid, why don'tcha?

As long as the American People continue to fall for this snake-oil, we'll be heading further downhill. I think people are starting to wake up, though. Today, realclearpolitics showed that his approval ratings have broken below the 60's for the first time. Here's hoping for the future.

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